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What millions of people already use for their health,
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Learn about the POWER OF WATER, about millions of people who have managed to balance, improve and resolve certain health conditions with the help of Healthy Water.
„I lived with heartburn, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux for years until I found out how easy it is to get rid of it.
For as long as I have known myself as an adult I have lived with heartburn, the feeling of food coming back up, the feeling of full bowels even when I haven't eaten. Living in a Christian community, I kept all the fasts of the year, but even then after certain meals I had the same upset stomach. Reading about stomach acidity problems, I found out about this ionized, alkalized healthy water, which is naturally enhanced with Hydrogen. We tested several devices and chose the one recommended by most doctors internationally. And in just a few weeks, just like a miracle as they say, I eliminated all these inconveniences. At first I was skeptical, it's true, but it's good that I didn't ignore the information. Thank God and those who did such a thing! ”
Nina C. 45 years old
„We got rid of Pesticides and Herbicides, chemicals on vegetables and fruits from the market shops.
This device is an exceptional Japanese concept! I consider it an anti-virus against all the chemicals added to food, as well as against the removal of harmful, harmful factors from our body that create disease. This Healthy Water is a must for anyone who values health. Act before it's too late! ”
Ionel R. 24 years old
What do doctors say?
- Prof. Univ. Dr. Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, internationally well-known neurosurgeon
In the „Acasa la Maruța” podcast. ...
„In acidity develop those terrible diseases called neoplasias (editor's note- tumor tissues- cancers) and also in acidity develop all those serious degenerative brain diseases (editor's note- it no longer functions normally) Parkinson's, Dementia, Alzheimer's and favors cerebrovascular accidents". Says Mr. Dr. Vlad Ciurea then: "Get rid of this acidity by drinking this water as alkaline as possible, super alkaline”... „which is made by the Japanese”. .. „which comes from a device, which is called kangen" (Healthy Water)... „And I drink this water daily”...
- Dr. Hiromi Shinya - the inventor in 1968 of colonoscopic surgery, in his book „Miracle Enzyme"
... „Water that has been electrically treated can collect additional minerals. Moreover, in the process of electrolysis, active hydrogen is produced which serves to eliminate free radicals from the body. When tap water passes through these purifiers, the chlorine and chemicals in it are removed. The result is what I call good water, a pure, clean, alkaline water with plenty of minerals."... Dr. Shinya has performed over 370,000 colonoscopies with a 0% recurrence rate among his patients , recommending this type of healthy water...
Let me ask you:
- What if Healthy Water will work for you too?
- But what if certain health problems or situations in your life or those of your loved ones will be resolved?
- What if you no longer need to use mountains of plastic in and out of your home?
- But what if you are going to replace the chemicals in your home, using only a certain type of water?
- But what if you will pay much less for water than you do now?
- But what if you eliminate toxins and your digestion will be normal day by day?
- But what if you are going to eat the vegetables and fruits without the chemicals they are sprayed with?
- But what if you will drink clean water, the healthy water that helps you to balance your Cholesterol, Diabetes or Hypertension?
Today in the world, in Europe as well, there are different centers where only Healthy Water is consumed for 7, 21 or even 40 days, without that person eating or drinking anything else, called the "therapeutic water fast". Of course we do not recommend this without supervision, because this is only done under the supervision of a specialist, and in these centers qualified personnel are needed for monitoring. This type of fasting with Healthy water is usually done by those people who have serious illnesses, without solutions from allopathic medicine.
Our method of water therapy is not so radical, it is gentler, it is primarily focused on prevention, you can consume this Healthy Water from your personal device, at home, just like therapy.
But there are people who started consuming this type of Healthy Water daily and started to see the beneficial effects after only a few days, using this device to their benefit, helping them in different situations related to health, personal care, home, or its use within the company.
By regularly consuming Healthy Water at home, or using a certain consumption scheme, the body can be regulated, it will fight free radicals and in this way, the body will eliminate acidity, fermentation, freeing itself from certain unpleasant states of health imbalance. Or simply, Healthy Water will be consumed for excellent prevention. Prevention is the mother of Health, Prevention saves lives and that's why by Preventing Diseases, you put your Health first in life.
And you deserve to put your health first!
Drink healthy water at home!
Therefore, therapeutic water is a living water, created by a unique device, with ISO 13485 classified as a medical device, awarded with the Gold Seal by the World Water Organization, which results in this water with the three great qualities, which no no other water can provide it in the same way.
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